Watch Dr. Alexander Salvoni assess and treat bruxism using neuromodulators and bite force measurements
Did you know? The prevalence of TMJ disorders (often referred to by patients as TMJ) is between 30% and 44%. As much as 25% of the population asks their dentist for “TMJ treatment.”
As an alternative to physical therapy, pharmacological prescriptions, and even surgery, Botox has become an increasingly popular treatment for TMJ-related symptoms — like headache, jaw clicking, bruxism, and masseteric enlargement.
But how do you know how much Botox to use for TMJ disorders, and how often to schedule injections?
Leading practitioners have started using biometric data to make neuromodulator treatment decisions and communicate treatment results.
In a recent presentation, Dr. Alexander Salvoni of Implant Brazil, shared his digital workflow that uses biometric data to:
Assess his TMJ disorder patients
Develop a neuromodulator treatment plan
Measure results after treatment
In the presentation, Dr. Salvoni said:
[In the past] the benefits of Botox application could not be measured in consultations. We relied on clinical evaluations and feedback from patients, which is very subjective…. Today we’ll review a clinical case that will give you an overview of what you can expect in the future.
Clinical Case Study: Treating bruxism with neuromodulators
Dr. Salvoni shares the clinical case of a patient treated for bruxism.
Pre-treatment, Dr. Salvoni took three patient bite force measurements using the Innobyte bite force measurement device. The patient’s highest bite force was 1160N - well above normal ranges. Image 1

Dr. Salvoni then treated the bruxism patient with neuromodulator injections. In Image 2, he shares the patient’s specific points for masseter and temporal application.

14 days after treatment, Dr. Salvoni took new bite force measurements using Innobyte. The patient’s bite force was successfully reduced to 590N. Image 3

Communicating the efficacy of Botox when treating TMJ disorders
In addition to using Innobyte to assess his patients and develop treatment plans, Dr. Salvoni uses Innobyte to communicate with his patients.
Before Botox treatment, he shows his patient their excessive bite force as shown on the Innobyte device display. Patients can also see how their excessive bite force relates to normal ranges using an easy reference chart
After treatment, Dr. Salvoni repeats the process, showing his patients their reduced bite force, clearly communicating the efficacy of treatment

Dr. Salvoni says,
“Business is good! Results and benefits are up using Innobyte. We are getting accuracy and have refined the consolidation project for Botox.
We’re delivering for our customers: Customer satisfaction increased from 70% to 80% and our customers keep coming back. We have increased customer retention by 90%.”
To learn more about how leading dentists are using Innobyte to develop and assess treatment of TMJ disorders with Botox:
Watch our video of Dr. Salvoni measuring bite force before and after Botox
Botox and TMJD Resources
Why treat TMJ disorders with Botox?
Indications of TMJ disorders include headache, periauricular pain, neck pain, decreased jaw excursion, jaw locking, and noise at the temporomandibular joint with movement. Related symptoms can also include otalgia or even tinnitus.[1]
Treatments for TMD range from nonpharmacologic therapy (adjusting diet, pain management, physical therapy, warm compresses, and dental devices), pharmacotherapy (anti-inflammatory agents, muscle relaxants, analgesics and tricyclic antidepressants)[2] and open or arthroscopic surgery.
However, to deal with pain, studies have found that “Botulinum toxin (BoNT) injection has…become an attractive choice as adjuvant therapy in patients with myofacial TMD who do not achieve a complete response with conservative management and pharmacotherapy.”[3]
Practitioners interested in reading recent studies about the efficacy of the use of Botox to treat TMJ disorder – including joint sounds, pain, anterior displacement of the articular disc, and mandibular movement disorders / LP dysfunction – can read this NIH study.
Further reading about Botox and TMJ
For an excellent overview of the causes and types of TMD, see this NIH article: Mor N, Tang C, Blitzer A. Temporomandibular Myofacial Pain Treated with Botulinum Toxin Injection. Toxins (Basel). 2015 Jul 24;7(8):2791-800. doi: 10.3390/toxins7082791. PMID: 26213970; PMCID: PMC4549724. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4549724/
Ataran R, Bahramian A, Jamali Z, Pishahang V, Sadeghi Barzegani H, Sarbakhsh P, Yazdani J. The Role of Botulinum Toxin A in Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders: A Review. J Dent (Shiraz). 2017 Sep;18(3):157-164. PMID: 29034269; PMCID: PMC5634354. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5634354/